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Exercise Equivalents of Halloween Candy

Do you know how much gym time you'll need to burn off your favorite Halloween treats?

Halloween weekend approaches, and with it, costume parties, girls in "tastefully seductive" costumes and bowls of tastily seductive treats in convenient single-serving packages.

But don't be fooled by words like "fun size" and "snack size." The next thing you know, one little bite-sized candy bar has become 27 and you're curled in the corner covered in chocolate, crying and surrounded by nothing but empty wrappers and guilt.

To keep you motivated through this festive season, we've compiled this festive list of your Halloween favorites and how much time you'll have to spend festively galloping your ass back into shape after you indulge.

[Insert evil Dracula laugh here]

*Calories burned from exercise based on a 180-lb. male. Running - 11.5-min. mi.; cycling - easy pace, less than 10 mph. Source:

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