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An ATC Success Story!

My name is Charna Corriolan, the majority of my life I chose to eat the wrong things at the wrong time, and I never cared about what I put inside of my body. Of course, I would hear, “eat fruits, veggie, it’s great for you!” But I was tired of hearing that, eating became a habit. If there was fast food, or sweet treats, I was ready to have it! During high school and my first year of college, I would often over hear students make jokes about me because of my weight, I became depressed and insecure about my weight, I was not happy with who I saw in the mirror. After watching plenty of episodes of Chris Powell’s Extreme Weight loss, I decided to make the hardest challenge of my life, go on a weight loss journey. I joined Around the Clock Fitness on February 15, 2015; since I was paying out of pocket, I knew that there was no turning back. ATC was absolutely amazing and is the reason why I am who I am today; they provided me with superb customer service, equipment, and group classes. ATC encouraged me to push myself to the highest degree. Thanks to Around the Clock fitness, I’ve lost 50 LBS, gained self confidence, and I am now trying to pursue a Bachelors degree in Applied Physiology and Kinesiology at the University Of Florida next fall. ATC changed my life, if you take advantage of this opportunity, there will be no regrets, trust me.

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